
Oral Sedation in Hamilton

Ask Dr. Agnieszka Jarecka how sedation dentistry could help you put your anxiety behind you

Sometimes people have a phobia of the dentist, or experience anxiety during dental procedures. If you have a hard time getting through a dental procedure because of fear of anxiety, you can relax — Dr. Agnieszka Jarecka offers oral sedation in Hamilton, and it could help put you at ease.

Oral sedation is when we give you medication to relieve your anxiety and minimize any discomfort during a dental visit. We administer sedative medication orally, and you enter a state of dreamy sleepiness. Sedation dentistry has always been used during oral surgeries, but is now becoming a popular option to relieve anxiety during dental procedures.

If you remain awake, you do not care what is happening around you – and you do not remember anything after the procedure is over. Or you may sleep peacefully through the entire procedure, and wake up when it’s over. Choosing oral sedation in Hamilton allows us you to get a lot of dental work done in just one visit.

Almost any adult, teenager or child is a candidate for sedation dentistry. It’s particularly useful for people with a fear of dental visits, people with a history of anxiety/panicking, or mentally-handicapped patients. But it's also preferred by people who would simply rather not be "aware" during a procedure.

You are allowed to go home following your sedation dentistry procedure, but cannot drive for the rest of the day — and must be accompanied by a responsible adult. The medication wears off very quickly, but could leave you feeling unsteady for the first few hours.

For more information about oral sedation in Hamilton, contact Dr. Agnieszka Jarecka today.

FAQs — Click question to reveal answer

Q: What happens after I wake up from oral sedation?
A: You may feel a bit unsteady on your feet, but the medication wears off fairly quickly. You must be accompanied home by a responsible adult, and you cannot drive for the rest of the day. Once you're at home, you should rest quietly, but you can eat normally (providing you don't have dietary restrictions because of your procedure).
Q: Is sedation dentistry safe for children?
A: Absolutely. Oral sedation is a great solution for children who are anxious or fearful of dental procedures, or for children who simply could not remain still and calm during a procedure. After the procedure, children should be closely monitored, because they will feel unsteady and could be at risk for falling and injuring themselves.
Q: Does my dental insurance cover oral sedation?
A: It depends on your coverage, but most dental plans cover sedation dentistry when administered with oral surgery. We would be happy to help you understand your available coverage, so please ask us at your next appointment.